Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Russia bans human tissue export in bioweapon alert

Russia has banned the shipment of medical specimens abroad, threatening hundreds of patients and complicating drug trials by major companies, the national Kommersant newspaper reported on Wednesday.

Kommersant attributed the ban to fears in the secret service that Russian genetic material could be used abroad to make biochemical weapons targeting Russians. The quality daily cited anonymous sources in the medical community


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This article might be more interesting because it shows what the Russians believe to be possible.


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Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Alan Lightman, 'Science and the Human Spirit'

Poet and scientist Alan Lightman joins us to talk about the intersection of art and science.

Alan Lightman is a great explainer.  He can give a common person a good idea of what a complex notion is about.  He also works at the intersection of art and science. 

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